Common Pet Toxins

Common household toxins for dogs and cats.

Toxins are often not the first thing on your mind when bringing a pet into your home, but there are many more than you may expect!  It is important to know the common pet toxins that can be present so you can take special care to keep them out of your pet’s reach. If you believe your pet has ingested or come into contact with any of these toxins, or if you are unsure, please contact your veterinarian or nearest emergency clinic immediately! Accurate and timely identification of the suspected toxin is very important— TIP: have the container, package, or label in hand; this can save valuable time!


Silent Signs of Tooth Decay in Dogs and Cats

Tooth Decay in Dogs and Cats.

Over half of all cats and up to 80% of all dogs have some form of oral disease. What’s worse, the effects of dental problems aren’t limited to the mouth. Problems that start with oral bacteria, plaque, and tartar can actually spread to the heart, liver, and kidneys in an example of just how interconnected the body’s systems are. Dental disease is entirely preventable; however, once the silent signs of tooth decay are obvious in dogs and cats the disease must be appropriately treated and managed for long-term health.


Hidden Risks of Holiday Treats for Pets

dogs and cat under blanket on christmas.

Hampton Veterinary Hospital wishes you and your furry family a happy holiday season. With those warm wishes comes some advice, though, to help ensure that your celebrations are happy and safe. Hiddens risks of holiday treats for pets are lurking, but if you know what you are looking for, all will be merry and bright!

Table foods can pose serious risks to the health of dogs and cats, as many human foods contain substances toxic to pets. Common culprits include chocolate, onions, garlic, grapes, raisins, alcohol, caffeine, and xylitol found in sugar-free products. These substances can lead to symptoms ranging from gastrointestinal upset to organ failure, presenting a real danger for dogs and cats. To ensure their well-being, it’s crucial to be aware of and avoid sharing potentially harmful foods with your pets.


Lymphoma In Dogs and Cats Awareness Month

sad looking tan and white beagle .

A cancer diagnosis can galvanize owners into action, but getting bad news can also be deeply shocking and disheartening. Lymphoma, a cancer that affects the lymph nodes, bone marrow, liver and spleen, can certainly be alarming. It’s important to remember that owners of pets with this disease have options for treatment and comfort measures. Together, we can prioritize a high quality of life in spite of cancer.  


Importance and Benefits of Pet Wellness Care

Beautiful healthy cat..

A pet’s appearance and behavior can tell you a lot about their health, and you can guess how they’re feeling by how they look and act. This goes both ways, of course, as an animal that is unwell will have warning signs (often subtle ones like sleeping more or eating less), and a happy, healthy pet will be the picture of vitality. 

What this doesn’t provide, however, is what is going on beneath the surface. Certainly, many health conditions don’t have obvious early symptoms. Regular pet wellness care can fill in any gaps with a thorough physical examination, diagnostics, and necessary steps to achieve future wellness.


What Is the Definition of a Responsive Pet Owner? 

dog and cat sitting on bed .

Being a pet owner comes with great responsibility. Owning a pet, especially a dog, goes beyond providing food and shelter. As a responsible pet owner, it is crucial to prioritize your pet’s overall well-being, which includes their physical health, grooming, and emotional needs. 

Hampton Veterinary Hospital provides comprehensive veterinary care for dogs in Hampton, NH. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the definition of a responsive pet owner and key areas of care, such as preventive veterinary care, dental care, grooming, healthy nutrition, and exercise for dogs.


Give a Dog a Bone: Choosing Healthy Dog Treats

dog eating cupcake treat.

As loving dog owners, we use treats to our advantage every day. Essential as a tool to reward good behavior, show affection, and strengthen the bond with our pups, treats can sometimes do more harm than good. When treats are given to dogs out of guilt or for no reason at all, the extra calories serve little-to-no purpose, and can actually lead to unnecessary weight gain, obesity, and associated health problems. The good news is whether you embrace DIY recipes or purchase pre-made varieties, healthy dog treats not only make your dog happy, but they add to their vitality.


Major Signs Your Pet Might Have Fleas

itchy cat scratching face.

Like all uninvited guests, parasites have a pretty terrible reputation. Not only responsible for wreaking havoc on a pet’s comfort and well-being, they’re known to spread disease. There are some pretty major signs your pet might have fleas, but sometimes these can go unnoticed. Before long, you could have a full infestation on your hands. We’re here to help prevent this from happening to your pet and home, so you can have the relaxing, enjoyable summer you’ve been waiting for.  


Prevent Pet Dehydration, Watch Daily Water Intake

white samoyed dog and cat playing at the beach.

Cats and dogs listen to their instincts extremely well, which is a trait that helps them stay safe and healthy. However, pet dehydration is a very real risk, especially in extreme heat and humidity. We can help you address this health condition and take steps to ensure your pet is perfectly satisfied. 
